Lifebuoy Soap

Lifebuoy is a brand of soap containing phenol marketed originally by Lever Brothers in England beginning in 1895. Popular for over 100 years, the light red soap is still available in the United States, in specialty shops that import it through Jupiter Imports (UK) from England Though Lifebuoy has ceased to be produced in the U.S. and the UK, it is still being mass produced by Unilever in Cyprus (for the UK, EU and USA). All other countries have adopted the ‘global’ brand of the Red Lifebuoy Soap (and in other colours) with ‘modern’ aromas. Only Unilever in Cyprus is manufacturing the original Red Lifebuoy Soap with “Carbolic” In India, the modern global versions are the main value brands there as well as in some other South Asian and South East Asian countries like Malaysia, Singapore, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Indonesia.

Posted on August 28, 2014 in Branding

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